Monday, August 3, 2015

Juicing with a Goal in Mind

Juicing with a Goal in Mind

Healthy Choices to Habits...

It's been almost a month since my last juice detox (aka reboot). Since then I have continually been monitoring what  I put into my body, and how I metabolize what I intake. For instance, during the normal work week, at lunch time, I would have salads, or make wraps with collard green leaves, cabbage leaves, or lettuce leaves. I've still been avoiding eating tortillas, which can be somewhat difficult in a Hispanic household where the chef cooks mouth-watering meals usually to be accompanied with tortillas. Regardless, I've held my ground and have instead substituted with the leafy greens which seem to work fairly well.

Aside from remaining conscious of what I'm eating, I have also continued to be active. During my June reboot, I had been taking my dogs out for long walks and even did a few Focus T25 workout video sessions. Now, for the past 3 weeks, I have been walking/jogging on and off for anywhere from 3-6 miles. I've actually started looking forward to my daily walk. It gives me a chance to unwind after a long day at the office. I hope to continue being active in the long term.

Juices for the next 10 days

New Goals

I started a new reboot this week. This time I've incorporated some new recipes into my regime to help give my palate a variety of new flavors. I think a new favorite is sweet potato juice which was surprisingly tasty. Even though it was raining today, I went for a run. It was perfect weather for it. I do feel a little groggy, but I think that's due to my going to bed late last night because I was preparing juices. This go-around I hope to be able to drop another 15-20 pounds. As of this morning I weighed in at 222 pounds. That means since my last reboot, I have been able to keep 24 pounds off! That's sensational! Now if I can lose another 15-20 pounds before going on my trip next month, I will ecstatic. I haven't weighed less than 200 since high school, and if I can get there, I will be uber-pleased. Especially if I am able to get there before going to my vacation to Miami on the 26. 

22 More days until my vacation to Miami!!

It's been a long and busy Monday. I will be calling it a night and will attempt to post tomorrow, if not then on day 3, Wednesday. Happy Juicing all!

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