Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Head First

Today is the second day of the five day juice challenge. I woke up today

Jumping in head first by juicing and exercising.

Stomach is making all sorts of grumbling noises.

Minor and brief temptation as I entered the house to smell delicious food.
Other temptation in my fridge with tempting food.

Felt ambitious and energetic enough to work out during lunch.
Worked out really quick and showered and got to work on time only to find that my soreness caught up with me when I got to work.
Now I am sore at work and am starting to feel a little tired.

Anticipated strong leafy taste from the spinach in the Morning Green Glory Juice, but the apples and cucumbers balanced it.
I was hesitant with the orange bell pepper in the Radiant Antioxi-Orange Juice, but the oranges helped to subdue the potent flavor of the pepper. Perhaps next time use larger oranges.
I really like the coconut water!
Looking forward to the tasty Pear Pie Juice.

A little lightheaded. Haven't gone to the restroom since yesterday morning. I will drink more hot teas to help with bowel movements.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 1 Head Strong

Today was day 1 of the 5 day juice challenge. I usually start my reboots very strong-willed with the determination to succeed and pull through. I feel as if there was so much juice to drink throughout the whole day following the guided plan. Usually when I've done it previously I think I stick with probably 1/2 to 2/3 of what we had. Here I am currently sitting at my computer enjoying the last juice of the day. I've actually been looking forward to it all day. The sweet potato, cinnamon, and pear is wonderful! It really does hold true to the name of Pear

I had intentions of going for a short walk today, or at least doing some type of workout video set, but there just weren't enough hours in the day. Besides going to work, and coming home to preparing and making all of my juices I just didn't have enough time to squeeze in a workout of any kind. I'm hoping to incorporate some form of physical activity into this juicing reboot.

So far, I'm not feeling too many symptoms from juicing. No headaches just yet and no major cravings. I was a bit groggy but I attributed that to not getting much sleep last night. I plan on getting a good night's sleep tonight and tackling tomorrow with equal ambition.

Cheers! 8:25PM

Update: I ended up doing a half hour of cardio workout with Focus T25 Workout Program. It's been a while so I can definitely feel I pushed my ill-conditioned body. The intense sweat session did however feel great!

Whew! 10:20PM

Friday, January 8, 2016

Starting the New Year On the Right Foot

It's been 5 months since my last post and I have returned with the determination to make 2016 the best year yet! Last year I completed 3 reboots throughout the whole year with the goal in mind to become fit for my Miami vacation. I feel as though I was able to get to a comfortable point with myself for that trip. With the new year dawning I feel as though I am able to start with a blank slate and make the most out of the new beginning.

This year I am taking on an initial 5-Day Challenge of a Juice reboot. This will be a great opportunity to detox after all of the unhealthy (yet delicious) foods that I indulged in over the holidays. I will update on the progress of my reboot over these few days starting on Monday.
